Amenities Committee
Chair: Cllr Colin Stringer
Committee Members:
Cllr Charlotte Cosson
Cllr Steve Hemingway
Cllr Alexander Hurwitz
Cllr Paul Jobling
The Amenities Committee promotes and improves recreational and social amenities and facilities within the parish.
It is responsible for:
- the general control, day to day management, repairs and maintenance of all the Council's land and buildings;
- the determination of scales of charges and conditions for the letting of facilities;
- the letting of sports pitches and buildings in accordance with the approved scale of charges and conditions of hiring;
- the provision of dog bins in the parish;
- the provision of public seats in the parish;
- the maintenance of Bellamy Close amenity land;
- the maintenance of Norton Green Common;
- formulating and submitting proposals to the Council in respect of revenue services and capital projects relating to the Recreation Grounds, Pavillion, Village Hall and Allotmnets for inclusion in the rolling capital programme.
See the Minutes Library for approved minutes of Amenities Committee meetings.