16th September 2024

Search Knebworth Parish Council

Serving the people of Knebworth

Planning Applications 2017

17/02411/1HH | Single storey detached pool building and single storey rear extension. | 11 Deards End Lane, Knebworth

17/02384/1TPO | T1 & T2 Sycamore - Crown by 5m. T3 Norway Maple - Crown by 5m. T4, T5, T6, T7 Sycamore - Crown by 3m. T8 Cherry - Prune by 3m. T9,T10 & T13 Lime - Prune by 5m. T15 Beech - Prune by 5m. T14 Yew - Reduce height to 7m and prune by 2m. T18 Holly - Prune by 5m. T19 Hawthorn - Prune by 3m. T26 False Acacia - Prune by 3m. T31 False Acacia - Crown clear. T32 Cherry - Prune by 3m. T36, T37 & T38 Silver Birch - Prune by 3m. | 1 Haygarth, Knebworth

17/02147/1TCA | Remove one Beech tree | Land rear of 58 Stockens Green, Knebworth

17/02166/1HH | Single storey rear and side extension with ancillary works to existing rear detached garage to facilitate conversion into habitable annex. | 2 Oakfields Road, Knebworth,

17/02245/1HH | Smooth rendering to entire house. Single storey rear extension with parapet and roof lights. | 90 London Road, Knebworth

17/02243/1TCA | T1 - Field maple/cob nut - prune to reduce by 50%, shape canopy and reduce multiple trunks on cob. T2 - Lime - prune dead wood, reduce canopy by up to 30%. T3 - Sycamore - Reduce canopy by up to 50%. T4 - Laburnum - shape the canopy, remove dead wood. | 5 The Green, Old Knebworth, Knebworth

17/02226/1HH | Single storey rear extension, extension of roof over exisitng single storey side element and insertion of front and rear dormer windows to facilitate loft conversion. | 2 Gun Meadow Avenue, Knebworth

17/02209/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 6 (Landscaping Details) as attached to planning reference 17/00702/1 granted on 22/05/17. | 21 Deards Wood, Knebworth

17/02252/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 7 (Sample Materials) as attached to planning reference 17/00702/1 granted on 22/05/17. | 21 Deards Wood, Knebworth

17/02154/1HH | Single storey front, side and rear extension following demolition of existing garage. | 16 Deards Wood, Knebworth

17/02194/1TCA | A1 Ash - Reduce by 30% | 17 Stockens Green, Knebworth

17/02137/1HH | Two storey front extension with porch following demolition of existing garage and single storey rear extension with ancillary works (as amended by drawings 104 P02, 105 P02 & 106 P102 received 27/09/2017). | 38a Hornbeam Spring, Knebworth

17/02122/1TCA | Reduction of 5 Lime Trees by 30% & shape. | 9 Deards End Lane, Knebworth,

17/01863/1 | Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 48 assisted living extra care (Class C2) apartments for the frail elderly, including communal facilities and car parking along with ground floor commercial unit (Use A1, A2, A3, D1 or D2) fronting London Road | 146-156 and land to the rear of 142 and 144, London Road, Knebworth

17/01881/1TCA | T1: Oak - prune and crown thin by approx 30%, reduce and reshape by approx 1.0m overall | Jubilee Lodge East, Park Lane, Old Knebworth, Knebworth

17/01838/1HH | Part two storey, part single storey rear extension, insertion of new windows at ground floor first floor level on north elevation and ancillary works. | 41 Pondcroft Road, Knebworth

17/01863/1 | Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 48 assisted living extra care (Class C2) apartments for the frail elderly, including communal facilities and car parking along with ground floor commercial unit (Use A1, A2, A3, D1 or D2) fronting London Road | 154-156 London Road, Knebworth, SG3 6HA

17/01783/1TCA | Sycamore - Fell | Restwell, Park Lane, Old Knebworth, Knebworth, SG3 6QA

17/01714/1HH | Single storey side extension to facilitate enlargement of existing detached outbuilding. Rebuilding of brick pier and part of front wall. | Crouch Green, Three Houses Lane, Codicote, Hitchin, SG4 8SX

17/01734/1HH | Front porch extension | 39 Park Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6PH

17/01762/1EC | Installation of one microwave dish on existing lattice tower, along with ancillary works | Telecommunications Mast, Deards End Lane, Knebworth

17/01722/1TCA | T1 Ash - To lift, balance, reduce and shape the crown by 30%. T2 Cherry - To remove the lower limb and lightly thin the crown and remove dead wood. T3 Willow - To pollard the existing growth points. B1 Laurel - cut down to the height of the hedge. | 5 Stockens Green, Knebworth, SG3 6DG

17/01705/1 | Outline application for the erection of one dwelling (all matters reserved except access, layout and scale) | 2 Oakfields Avenue, Knebworth, SG3 6NP

17/01594/1PUD | Single storey rear extension. | 176 Park Lane, Old Knebworth, Knebworth, SG3 6PR

17/01576/1PUD | Use of Scout & Guide Hut for indoor shooting club | Knebworth Scout & Guide Hall, Gun Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6AU

17/01622/1 | Erection of 3 storey building to provide 9 x 2bed flats and erection of 1 bed detached dwelling. Remodeling and refurishment of existing public house including 4 x 1 bed flats above including new vehicular access off of Station approach. | The Station, Station Approach, Knebworth, SG3 6AT

17/01632/1HH | Two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension. | 29 Pondcroft Road, Knebworth

17/01526/1HH | Single storey front extension | 26 Stockens Dell, Knebworth

17/01523/1 | Installation of condenser unit, air-conditioning units and acoustic barrier at first floor level on rear elevation. | 119 London Road, Knebworth

17/01442/1TCA | Prune 2 Lime trees by 40% to include lifting of crown, thinning branches and reducing height. | Lime Tree Cottage, 14 The Green, Old Knebworth, Knebworth, SG3 6QN

17/01416/1NCS | Single storey rear extension with the following dimension: Length (measured from rear wall of original house) - 5.0 metres | 4a Watton Road, Knebworth

17/01194/1HH | First floor rear extension. | 2 Oakfields Road, Knebworth,

17/01360/1HH |Erection of detached double garage, boundary fencing and ancillary landscaping works. |119 Orchard Way, Knebworth

17/00994/1HH | Single storey rear extension | 37 Gun Road Gardens, Knebworth

17/01026/1HH | Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory and insertion of window at first floor level on the side elevation. | Homeview, Gipsy Lane, Knebworth

17/01118/1TCA | 2 Horse Chestnut Trees - fell | Knebworth Park Cricket Club, Knebworth Park, Old Knebworth

17/01041/1DOC | Condition 2 - sample of the clay plain tiles proposed for the hipped roof and dormer windows together with a sample of the tiles to dress the hips and ridge, shall be submitted to and approved in writing prior to the commencement of the development (as Discharge of Listed Building Consent 16/01569/1LB granted 13/10/2016) | 15 Deards End Lane, Knebworth

17/01155/1DOC | Condition 3 - Samples of the brick type to be used in the remodelling of the rear addition (including samples/details for the flared arches) shall be submitted to and approved in writing prior to the commencement of the development (as Discharge of Condition of Listed Building Consent 16/01569/1LB granted 13/10/2016). 15 Deards End Lane, Knebworth|,

17/00883/1 | Outline planning application (landscaping reserved) for residential development of 10 units comprising 9 x two bed flats, conversion and two storey side extension to existing building at the rear of the site to provide 4 parking spaces and cycle store at ground floor with 1 x 2 bed flat over and 18 car parking spaces within site following demolition of existing buildings. Repairing and raising of existing wall on northern boundary to 2.5 metres in height and repairing and raising of existing wall to western boundary to 2.1 metres in height. | Land between Knebworth Station car park and Ferguson House, Park Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6PJ

17/00993/1 | Detached four bedroom dwelling with attached single garages to serve existing and proposed dwellings. Repositioning of vehicular crossover (renewal of previously approved Planning permission 14/01217/1) | 9 Watton Road, Knebworth,

17/00965/1HH | Single storey front extension. | 16 Sayer Way, Knebworth

17/00736/1| Erection of external freezer cold-room to rear, detached timber cage store area and relocation of external staircase. | 119 London Road, Knebworth

17/00871/1TCA | Removal of 7 Conifers | 14 Deards End Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6NL

17/00758/1NMA | Change to fenestration on rear elevation (enlarged window) (as non-material amendment to planning reference 16/02000/1HH for Single storey rear extension granted permission 20/10/2016) | 22 Oakfields Avenue, Knebworth, SG3 6NP

17/00757/1TCA | T1 Silver Birch - Reduce 40% | 47 Stockens Green, Knebworth, SG3 6DQ

17/00702/1 | Detached three bedroom dwelling with integral garage. | Land adjacent 21, Deards Wood, Knebworth, SG3 6PG

17/00691/1HH | Part two storey, part single storey rear extension. | 11 Stockens Green, Knebworth, SG3 6DG

17/00493/1HH | Single storey side and rear extensions and ancillary works. | Ashcroft, Slip Lane, Old Knebworth, Knebworth, SG3 6QG

17/00440/1HH | Two storey side extension, insertion of pitched roof dormer window to front roof slope and addition of pitched gable end roof to existing flat roof front dormer window. Single storey front porch extension | 154 Park Lane, Old Knebworth, Knebworth, SG3 6PR

17/00473/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 6: Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted full details of the hard and soft landscaping of the site including species and drainage details, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. (as attached to planning permission reference 16/02199/1 granted 01/12/2016) | 32 Gun Road Gardens, Knebworth, SG3 6ED

17/00437/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 3: Details and/or samples of materials to be used on all external elevations and the roof of the development hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development is commenced and the approved details shall be implemented on site. (as attached to planning permission reference 16/02199/1 granted 01/12/2016) | 32 Gun Road Gardens, Knebworth, SG3 6ED

17/00472/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 4: Prior to its construction full elevational details and materials of the proposed garden store shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details (as attached to planning permission reference 16/02199/1 granted 01/12/2016) | 32 Gun Road Gardens, Knebworth, SG3 6ED

17/00304/1HH | Carport linking existing detached garage to main dwelling | 46 New Close, Knebworth, SG3 6NU

17/00239/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 3 - sample materials - as attached to application 06/01201/1HH granted on 08.09.2006. | 19 Gun Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6BJ

17/00277/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 4 - Window and door joinery details to be provided - as attached to planning application 16/01569/1LB granted on the 13.10.2016. | 15 Deards End Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6NL

17/00330/1DOC | Discharge of Condition 5 - Rainwater goods details to be provided - as attached to planning application 16/01569/1LB granted on the 13.10.2016. | 15 Deards End Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6NL

17/00204/1 | Variation to condition 5 (Hours of opening) of planning application 16/01369/1 granted 6.1.17. (Proposed hours:the hours of opening of the library and pharmacy hereby approved shall only be permitted between 08.00hrs and 20.00hrs Monday to Friday, 08.00hrs to 19.00hrs Saturday and 10.00hrs and 16.00hrs on Sundays. There shall be no permitted hours of opening on Bank Holidays. The opening hours of the surgery shall be between 07.00 hours and 21.00 hours Monday to Friday and 08.00 hours to 17.00 hours on Saturdays and 10.00hrs to 16.00hrs on Sundays only.) | Knebworth Library, St Martins Road, Knebworth, SG3 6ER

17/00263/1AD | Replacement signage comprising 1 x internally illuminated front elevation fascia sign; 1 x internally illuminated rear elevation fascia sign; 1 x internally illuminated projecting sign; 1 x non-illuminated acrylic letters on rear elevation; 6 non-illuminated wall mounted panels; 2 x non-illuminated front projecting signs. | 119 London Road, Knebworth,

17/00253/1HH | Hip to gable roof extension, with part crowned roof and two rear dormer windows and two front rooflights to facilitate conversion of loft space into habitable accommodation (as a variation of planning permission ref no. 16/01465/1HH granted on 3 August 2016). | 6 Crab Tree Road, Knebworth, SG3 6DZ

17/00212/1TCA | Maple/sycamore type tree - crown reduction by 25%. Walnut tree - crown reduction by 25% | 8 Deards End Lane, Knebworth, SG3 6NL

16/03262/1PN | Change of use of building (class B1(a) to residential (Class C3) | Station House, Station Approach, Knebworth, SG3 6HL

16/03212/1 | 1.8 metre timber fence to south east boundary, external store within existing lock up cage, revised car park layout with 6 x 1 metre high bollards to rear boundary. Replacement condenser unit to first floor and internal alterations to form corridor, office and staff room at first floor. | 119 London Road, Knebworth

17/00066/1TCA | Crown raise and thin one Oak tree (T1) by 25%; Fell 2 Conifer trees (T2 and T3). | Church Lodge, Old Knebworth Lane, Knebworth

Last updated: Thu, 24 Sep 2020 18:34